Osland Piping Supply, Inc.
          Pre-Fabrication Services 

    • Fab Shop Consultation Services 
    • Hanger Fabrication & Assembly
    • Plumbing Fabrication & Assembly
    • Piping Fabrication & Assembly

Osland Piping Supply, with over 30 years expereince in shop based fabrication, offers a wide variety of services for the contractor.  Our Fabrication Services fall into three general catagories: Piping Fabrication Services, Plumbing Fabrication Services, and Hanger Fabrication & Assembly Services. Fabrication can be as simple as pre-assembling hangers, fixtures & trim etc. to fairly complex using BIM Modeling, CAD Services with Trimble Laser Technology.  Osland Piping is equipped to assist you in all your fabrication questions & needs. If you can draw it, we can cut & fabricate it.

Additionally, we offer Fabrication Consultation Services to contractors that want to setup their own fabrication shop. We also perform Shop Audits  to existing shops to analyze shop layout, productivity, technology, cost containment, labor control,  production standards & goals. Please contact us for further details.


Osland Piping Fabrication Services Benefits:


  • Cost Savings - Our Fabricators have invested heavily into plant, equipment, and technology.  The technology & equipment utilized in a the fab shop environment generally is different than what is used in the field.  This specialized shop equipment coupled with savings from improved material handling systems offer a cost savings to our participating contractors. 
  • Value Engineering - to determine the best product selection & fabrication opportunities on each project to maximize the contractors time and profits.
  • Improved Cash Flow -  Most Contractors pay the labor workers on a weekly basis. When using our fabrication services, you are not billed until the fabrication items are delivered.  We offer payment terms  which often allows you to receive your project payment  before our invoice is due. 
  • Fixed Cost instead of Variable Cost - With our fabrication, you get a firm fixed price for the fabrication or spool drawings; no material or labor overruns, you know exactly what it is going to cost . It is up to us to produce the fabrication at the quoted price, essentially  changing a variable cost into a fixed cost while allowing the Project Manager to concentrate on other areas.
  • Quality Guarantee - If the fabrication is incorrectly fabricated from the approved drawings or if there is a quality issue, we are obigated to correct the problem.  If your employees make any mistakes, the cost to fix them come out of your pocket instead of the fabricators.
  • Improved Control of job "soft costs" - Our Fabrication Quotes include all hidden or forgoten cost components; such as the cost to certify welders, equipment & tool rental or costs, consumable supplies, waste disposal costs, minimizing material scrap, job returns, restocking fees, transportation costs, etc.
  • Single Source Reponsibility - Frees up Project Management time to concentrate on other issues and challenges.


Fabrication Services & Capabilities


Cutting - Plasma, Torch, Saw, or Roll Cut
    • Flloor & Wall Sleeves - with or without positioning lugs
    • Pipe Systems or runs to length - including outlet holes, nozzle shapes & miters
    • Strut / Angle Iron cut to length - hole punching if required
    • Threaded rod cut to length - hanger assemblies
    • Cast Iron Soil Pipe cut to length - assembled toilet / urinal batteries
    • Copper tubing cut to length - assemblies
    • Shapes & Fittings - If you can draw it, we can cut & fabricate it


Welding - TIG, MIG, Submerged Arc, Stick 

    • Certified to ASME Section 9, ASME "PP" Stamp, ASME "U" Stamp, National Board "R" Stamp
    • NSF certification on stainless steel sinks & cabinets
    • Welding procedures for submittal are available upon request
    • Individual welder certifications can be provided
    •  UA Union Labeled fabrication provided if required
    • Materials - Carbon, Stainless, Chrome Alloy (P11, P22, P91) & other alloys 
    •  Post weld heat treatment when required
    • Sandblasting & Painting services
    • Hydro & Pneumatic testing, Third Party Radiographic Examinations
    • CAD drafting services
Grooving & Threading
    • Carbon & Stainless Steel Pipe roll grooving thru 24"
    • Copper roll grooving thru 8" 
    • Cut grooving thru 12" - steel pipe & ductile iron
    • Grooved make-ons (assembly) of couplings, mech. tees, fittings & valves
    • Value engineering - o'lets verses red. tees, welding verses grooving etc.
    • Threading thru 12"


Other Services

    • Hanger fabrication & assemblies
    • Toilet / Urinal pre-fab assemblies
    • Soil pipe fabrication & assembly
    • Value engineering / critical path analysis
    • BIM Modeling & CAD drawings
    • Trimble Laser layout solutions
    • Fabrication shop layout & shop audit services
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